At times, I forget how appreciative I am of the people around me and the material things I have. Many times I forget to really appreciate my family who are so supportive and loving, there are not many people who have a family or if they do, perhaps they don't have one that are as caring and understanding. Another thing I take for granted are simple things like having a home and having food on the table, everyday people become homeless and wonder where their next meal is coming from. Sometimes I forget that not everyone is fortunate enough to be have a home or to be able to eat three meals a day, I am trying to make it a goal every morning to think about what I am grateful for and not to take it for granted. My education is also something I often take for granted, thankfully I am able to go to college which many can't say the same about. Most in my family never had the opportunity to be able to attend college, many were not even able to graduate high school given their circums...